Android offers great multitasking for application, you can run multiple apps on the same time. When you start a certain application for exiting you minimize it, there are some files …
News and Updates about Security Software and Antivirus applications. Download Security Software and Antivirus for your smartphone, tablet or desktop devices. All about the most used Security Software and Antivirus Apps, Firewall Apps, Anti-Malware Apps and AntiSpyware Apps in the world.
Best 5 Antivirus Apps for iPhone 2014
Now a days Apple iPhone is the most desirable device for everyone. There are number of application are uploaded on Apple Store. In downloading several application there is also a …
Best 5 Antivirus for Windows PC
The information has shown from survey that more than 30 % percent application on internet have been infected from different viruses. A virus is a program that attaches itself with …
Best 5 Firewall for Windows PC 2014
If you own a Windows PC, you already have a very strong and effective firewall pre-installed on your system. However, as the number of malicious attacks on the computers are …
Clean Master App for Android
Android offer multitask, you can manage different apps running at the same time. You can minimize different application for a time and then maximize them. If talk about the background …
Your Antivirus Is Not All That Secure
A lot of people will simply go on to believe that installing an antivirus program on their computer does it all. However, most of them do not know that their …